🚀 Limited Bonus: Join before August 21st and join a bonus live call with Ken!

Build a Powerful Brand, Generate More Leads,

Close More Sales, and Discover the Proven Systems

to Take Your Business to 6-Figures and Beyond. 🚀

  • Create an unshakeable business that generates leads and sales in any market!

  • Learn the exact shifts to make with your mindset, offer, and systems to scale.

  • Get a comprehensive breakdown of the exact systems I used to scale to 7+ figures.

  • Master fulfillment to have the freedom you deserve in your coaching business.

  • Transition from surviving to thriving by using proven, implementable strategies.

  • Discover the systems you need to have to run a sustainable, profitable business.

Build a Powerful Brand, Generate More Leads, Close More Sales, and Discover the Proven Systems to Take Your Business to 6-Figures and Beyond. 🚀

Over 5 days, I'll show you the exact shifts to
master your mindset, build better systems, and

scale your coaching business in any market.

  • Day 1: Build a Powerful Brand

  • Day 2: Craft your Irresistible Offer

  • Day 3: Master Lead Gen & Sales

  • Day 4: Deliver Amazing Results for Your Clients

  • Day 5: The 5 Core Systems for 7-Figure Growth

The coaching industry is changing - here's what I see happening to coaches rn:

  • Sales cycles are getting longer - people can't just know, like & trust you - you need to be the obvious choice...

  • Coaches who have built a real brand are thriving and will continue to thrive even more...

  • Programs and offers can't just scratch the surface - they must meet the exact demand of your ideal client...

  • Having a consistent and predicable lead generation + lead nurture system is an absolute necessity...

  • Those who are able to plan farther out are succeeding far more in the long term...

This is leading to a lot of coaches who are not prepared, feeling like scaling, making sales, & keeping clients is harder than ever...

If you feel that way, luckily I've got something just for you...

The coaching industry is changing - here's what I see happening to coaches rn:

  • Sales cycles are getting longer - people can't just know, like & trust you - you need to be the obvious choice...

  • Coaches who have built a real brand are thriving and will continue to thrive even more...

  • Programs and offers can't just scratch the surface - they must meet the exact demand of your ideal client...

  • Having a consistent and predicable lead generation + lead nurture system is an absolute necessity...

  • Those who are able to plan farther out are succeeding far more in the long term...

This is leading to a lot of coaches who are not prepared, feeling like scaling, making sales, & keeping clients is harder than ever...

If you feel that way, luckily I've got something just for you...

Ever feel like your coaching biz is a breakthrough away from where you want it to be?

When I built my first coaching business 7 years ago, I was excited to be my own boss and help others...

Pretty quickly tho, it turned into a full time job where I felt:

  • Always unsure of when my next lead or client was coming in...

  • Overwhelmed and stressed trying to fulfill for clients and not drop the ball..

  • Constantly having zero time on my hands - almost like I was a slave to the thing I created...

It was not a fun place to be, but fortunately by mastering the 5 key areas every coaching business needs...

I was able to let the business flourish, and managed to scale 2 coaching companies to 7-figures...

Ever feel like your coaching biz is a breakthrough away from where you want it to be?

When I built my first coaching business 7 years ago, I was excited to be my own boss and help others...

Pretty quickly tho, it turned into a full time job where I felt:

  • Always unsure of when my next lead or client was coming in...

  • Overwhelmed and stressed trying to fulfill for clients and not drop the ball..

  • Constantly having zero time on my hands - almost like I was a slave to the thing I created...

It was not a fun place to be, but fortunately by mastering the 5 key areas every coaching business needs...

I was able to let the business flourish, and managed to scale 2 coaching companies to 7-figures...

Hi, I'm Kendall,

My Clients Call Me "Coach Ken"

I’m an online fitness and business coach who has built two successful and thriving 7-figure businesses...

(including my $3.5M+ fitness coaching biz that I still have to this day!)

While also helping 400+ coaches grow their own businesses!

Today, I want to help you do the same! :)

I'm on a mission to help women discover their passion and purpose, while scaling their businesses and their wealth!

I am a coach just like you - someone who decided to go against the grain and take the driver's seat in life...

I started when I was only 18, a fresh college dropout, with not a single clue about how to build, scale, or run a coaching business...

By mastering The 5 Pillars of a successful coaching business tho, I was able to SCALE BIG.

Listen, a business run the wrong way can be a nightmare...

If you relate to any of the following though, there's good news:

  • Glued to your phone constantly doing outreach and looking for clients...

  • Calls on the books - then the next week - NO idea where the next leads are coming in from...

  • Constantly crunched for time trying to deliver great results to clients...

  • Chasing down clients that ghosted you, only to have the convo's go nowhere...

  • Creating whatever content you can, to try and bring in whatever potential clients you can...

Hi, I'm Kendall,

My Clients Call Me "Coach Ken..."

I’m an online fitness and business coach who has built two successful and thriving 7-figure businesses...

(including my $3.5M+ fitness coaching biz that I still have to this day!)

While also helping 400+ coaches grow their own businesses!

Today, I want to help you do the same! :)

I'm on a mission to help women discover their passion and purpose, while scaling their businesses and their wealth!

I am a coach just like you - someone who decided to go against the grain and take the driver's seat in life...

I started when I was only 18, a fresh college dropout, with not a single clue about how to build, scale, or run a coaching business...

By mastering the 5 pillars of a successful coaching business tho, I was able to scale BIG.

Listen, a business run the wrong way can be a nightmare...

If you relate to any of the following though, there's good news:

  • Glued to your phone constantly doing outreach and looking for clients...

  • Calls on the books - then the next week - NO idea where the next leads are coming in from...

  • Constantly crunched for time trying to deliver great results to clients...

  • Chasing down clients that ghosted you, only to have the convo's go nowhere...

  • Creating whatever content you can, to try and bring in whatever viewers you can...







The coaching biz of your dreams is a few key pieces away...

Let me ask you.. "what makes a successful coach?"

There are plenty of coaches who just slap “I'm a coach" in their bio...

But do they REALLY have the intention and systems to make a powerfulimpact?

LBR, no.

And thats what makes a successful coach different...

A successful coach is willing to go the extra mile.

Their offer makes a massive impact, and they don't make decisions from a place of scarcity or convenience.

After all, being a coach and entrepreneur is about getting through all the hard sh*t so you can serve others..







The coaching biz of your dreams is a few key pieces away...

Let me ask you.. "what makes a successful coach?"

There are plenty of coaches who just slap “I'm a coach" in their bio...

But do they REALLY have the intention to make a massive impact?

LBR, no.

And thats what makes you different.

A successful coach is willing to go the extra mile.

They believe their offer will make a massive impact, and doesn't act from a place of convenience.

Because after all being a coach and entrepreneur is about getting through all the hard shit so you can serve others..

By being here, you've shown that you care...

And THAT'S the thing that will allow you to succeed.

There is a LOT that goes into running a successful coaching business...

And if your heart is in it...

All that business stuff that roadblocks most other coaches is something I've mastered, and am excited to teach you.

So if you're interested in build a coaching business that...

  • Is stable no matter how rocky, competitive, or scary the market gets..

  • Consistently brings in leads and new sales in a way that's predicable and reliable....

  • Systematically helps you reduce & remove overwhelm so you can scale faster and with more energy..

If that sounds good, let's dive in...

By being here, you've shown that you care...

And THAT'S the thing that will allow you to succeed.

LBR there is a LOT that goes into running a successful coaching business...

But if your heart is in it...

All that business stuff is just a framework I can teach you.

So if you're interested in build a coaching business that...

  • Is stable no matter how rocking or competitive the market gets..

  • Consistently brings in leads and new sales in a predicable fashion...

  • Systematically reduces & removes overwhelm so you can execute faster and with more energy..

Then let's dive in...

Your 2 Paths...

When it comes to growth, there's really two options...

The Unsuccessful Coach

The Common Path

  • Winging tf out of business

  • Runs from structure because it ' puts them in a box'

  • ‘Customizing’ everything as a "selling point"

  • Has an offer but feels "salsey" when talking about it

  • Chasing timelines but pushes deadlines

  • Constantly filled with doubt

  • Stuck wearing all the hats and overwhelmed

  • Isn't 100% confident in getting their clients results

  • On the brink of burnout

  • Not excited about business

  • Posting only when they feel like / convenient

  • Afraid to invest

The Successful Coach

The Empowered Path

  • Sticks to calendar and structure weekly 

  • Isn't using a sales script but instead EQ

  • Knows where calls are coming from weekly 

  • Isn't wavering in emotions if she sells or not 

  • Excited about her vision 

  • Has time and knows exactly what they want to create

  • Proactive and creating solutions consistently 

  • Getting clients incredible results 

  • Clear path to getting clients amazing results 

  • Posts and sticks to content creation consistently

  • Sales process to consistently nurture & convert leads

  • Invests in growth even when uncomfortable

Your 2 paths...

When it comes to growth,

there's really two options...

The Unsuccessful Coach

The Common Path

  • Winging tf out of business

  • Runs from structure because it ' puts them in a box'

  • ‘Customizing’ everything as a "selling point"

  • Has an offer but feels "salsey" when talking about it

  • Chasing timelines but pushes deadlines

  • Constantly filled with doubt

  • Stuck wearing all the hats and overwhelmed

  • Isn't 100% confident in getting their clients results

  • On the brink of burnout

  • Not excited about business

  • Posting only when they feel like / convenient

  • Afraid to invest

The Successful Coach

The Empowered Path

  • Sticks to calendar and structure weekly 

  • Isn't using a sales script but instead EQ

  • Knows where calls are coming from weekly 

  • Isn't wavering in emotions if she sells or not 

  • Excited about her vision 

  • Has time and knows exactly what they want to create

  • Proactive and creating solutions consistently 

  • Getting clients incredible results 

  • Clear path to getting clients amazing results 

  • Posts and sticks to content creation consistently

  • Sales process to consistently nurture & convert leads

  • Invests in growth even when uncomfortable

Which path will you take?

Listen, there's a lot of online fitness coaches out there these days...

It's a competitive market...

What that means tho, is you just can't half-a$$ your way to a successful coaching business now-a-days! (Trust me, I know plenty of people who did back in 2017-2020)

It's no longer a 'side hustle'.

It's not something you 'kinda' want to do.

You're either all in, or you're not in at all.

To be a successful coach, you absolutely must master the 5 core pillars of business. These are the same pillars my clients have used to generate over $13m in the last 3 years!

So, if you're ready to build the business of your dreams, read on.. bc there's nothing else like this in the space, period.

Which path will you take?

Listen, there's a lot of online fitness coaches out there these days...

It's a competitive market.. but not TOO competitive!

What that means tho, is you just can't half-ass your way to a successful coaching business now-a-days! (Trust me I know plenty of people who did back in 2017-2020)

It's not a side hustle.

It's not something you 'kinda' want to do.

You're all in, or you're not.

Being a successful coach simply comes down to mastering the 5 pillars of business I've helped my clients master (helping them generate over $13m in the last 3 years!)

So if you're ready to build the business of your dreams, ready on.. bc I will be break each of these pillars...

Jennifer Rudolf

“My message is so much more clear now, I’m no longer throwing something up just to check the box... I’m focusing on value, not on likes or follows…and I’m generating more leads.”

Jomara Galvez

“I just finishing with some content captions and I literally cried sharing my mess (mess is my message)….This course has helped me so much in recognizing the content I want to produce. It hit home.”

Coach Anna

“Just went through the vision mapping activity...and it hit me hard when I realized what I’d need to give up to actualize my vision. I feel like this course is going to force me to make tough choices that I know I need to make.”

Jennifer Rudolf

“My message is so much more clear now, I’m no longer throwing something up just to check the box... I’m focusing on value, not on likes or follows…and I’m generating more leads.”

Jomara Galvez

“I just finishing with some content captions and I literally cried sharing my mess (mess is my message)….This course has helped me so much in recognizing the content I want to produce. It hit home.”

Coach Anna

“Just went through the vision mapping activity...and it hit me hard when I realized what I’d need to give up to actualize my vision. I feel like this course is going to force me to make tough choices that I know I need to make.”


The Successful Coach

An exclusive, 5-day intensive to help you master the 5 key areas of business.

Over 5 days, I'll break down the 5 core, fundamental systems that separate top-level, successful coaches (who are actually profitable) from the rest.

Each day, we'll lay out exactly what you need to do - complete with fast action steps to integrate everything we covered immediately.

So if you want to become a better coach, and start feeling like your business is working FOR YOU (instead of you always having to work on your business.)

DAY 1:

Master Yourself & Build a Powerful Brand

DAY 2:

Craft Your

Irresistible Offer

DAY 3:

Build Your

Lead-Gen &
Sales Machine

DAY 4:

How to Deliver Amazing Results for Your Clients

DAY 5:

The 5 Core

Systems For

7-Figure Growth


The Successful Coach

Master the 5 key areas you need to thrive with your coaching business!

'The Successful Coach' is 5 day LIVE intensive where each day I break down one of the core pillars you need to make more money with your coaching business while stressing less.

Each day we'll lay out exactly what you need to do - complete with fast action steps to integrate everything we covered immediately.

DAY 1:

Master Yourself &
Build a Powerful Brand

DAY 2:

Craft Your Unique, Irresistible Offer

DAY 3:

Build Your Lead-Gen

& Sales Machine

DAY 4:

How to Deliver Amazing Results For Your Clients

DAY 5:

The 5 Core Systems For
7-Figure Growth

Inside The 5 Days

The 5 keys to a thriving coaching business

Day 1:

Master Yourself & Build a Powerful Brand

Get clear on your brand by getting clear with yourself and who you are. Your business is a reflection of you - so let's get you operating at 100%!

  • Find your multi-6-figure CEO cadence and operate with proven strategies of productivity, decision-making, and leadership required for 6-7 figures.

  • Identify the root causes of why you're stuck in your business journey, and learn to quickly overcome obstacles to gain momentum.

  • Cultivate an authentic brand that represents who you are and reflects your own personal strengths as a coach.

Day 2

Craft Your Unique, Irresistible Offer

The core of any coaching business is your offer, and it can be the difference between making sales with ease and having to chase client after client.

  • Learn the art of crafting an irresistible offer that not only captures attention but also converts viewers into enthusiastic clients.

  • Discover the secrets to differentiating your online fitness coaching business from competitors and stand out with a unique and compelling offer.

  • Unlock the potential to significantly increase your revenue by structuring your offer in a way that serves your clients at a higher level.

Day 3

Build Your Lead-Gen & Sales Machine

A business with no leads is not a business at all, so on day 3 we'll get your lead-generation machine cranking full force.

  • Get proven content and outreach systems that consistently attract and convert high-quality leads, ensuring a steady stream of potential clients.

  • Create compelling and valuable content that resonates with your target audience, effectively nurturing leads towards becoming loyal customers.

  • Streamline your lead generation process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional fitness coaching.

Day 4

How to Deliver Amazing Results for Your Clients

We always want to delver the absolute best results to our clients, so on day 4 we'll focus on creating systems to deliver high level service efficiently.

  • Create easy client success systems so that you can win back more of your time while ensuring amazing client results.

  • Deliver even better results for your clients while spending less time running around and switching between sales and helping existing clients.

  • Learn how to bring on new team members when the time is right to lighten the load of fulfillment and grow your business at scale.

Day 5

The 5 Core Systems for 7-Figure Growth

Running a multi-6 or 7-figure coaching business is a new level of operation, and that means we've the systems for you to keep everything on track.

  • Implement efficient and effective systems to optimize every aspect of your online fitness coaching business, from onboarding to customer retention.

  • Discover the secrets to scaling your business to multi-6-figures or 7-figures levels without sacrificing service quality or risking burnout.

  • Get a full business audit from our team on the current state of your business and learn the exact areas you can focus to make rapid progress.

Inside The 5 Days

The 5 keys to a thriving

coaching business

Day 1

Master Yourself & Build
a Powerful Brand

Get clear on your brand by getting clear with yourself and who you are. Your business is a reflection of you - so let's get you operating at 100%!

  • Find your multi-6-figure CEO cadence and operate with proven strategies of productivity, decision-making, and leadership required for 6-7 figures.

  • Identify the root causes of why you're stuck in your business journey, and learn to quickly overcome obstacles to gain momentum.

  • Cultivate an authentic brand that represents who you are and reflects your own personal strengths as a coach.

Day 2

Craft Your Unique,

Irresistible Offer

The core of any coaching business is your offer, and it can be the difference between making sales with ease and having to chase client after client.

  • Learn the art of crafting an irresistible offer that not only captures attention but also converts viewers into enthusiastic clients.

  • Discover the secrets to differentiating your online fitness coaching business from competitors and stand out with a unique and compelling offer.

  • Unlock the potential to significantly increase your revenue by structuring your offer in a way that serves your clients at a higher level.

Day 3

Build Your Lead-Gen

& Sales Machine

A business with no leads is not a business at all, so on day 3 we'll get your lead-generation machine cranking full force.

  • Get proven content and outreach systems that consistently attract and convert high-quality leads, ensuring a steady stream of potential clients.

  • Create compelling and valuable content that resonates with your target audience, effectively nurturing leads towards becoming loyal customers.

  • Streamline your lead generation process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional fitness coaching.

Day 4

How to Deliver Amazing Results for Your Clients

We always want to delver the absolute best results to our clients, so on day 4 we'll focus on creating systems to deliver high level service efficiently.

  • Create easy client success systems so that you can win back more of your time while ensuring amazing client results.

  • Deliver even better results for your clients while spending less time running around and switching between sales and helping existing clients.

  • Learn how to bring on new team members when the time is right to lighten the load of fulfillment and grow your business at scale.

Day 5

The 5 Core Systems for
7-Figure Growth

Running a multi-6 or 7-figure coaching business is a new level of operation, and that means we've the systems for you to keep everything on track.

  • Implement efficient and effective systems to optimize every aspect of your online fitness coaching business, from onboarding to customer retention.

  • Discover the secrets to scaling your business to multi-6-figures or 7-figures levels without sacrificing service quality or risking burnout.

  • Get a full business audit from our team on the current state of your business and learn the exact areas you can focus to make rapid progress.


Get instant access to 3 fast-action bonuses when you join today!



Facebook Group

Get direct access to the WWBA team, and your fellow coaches for all the support you need during your 5-day Successful Coach training! (this will be central to the training)


Sales Map

One of the hardest parts of sales can be seeing where you want to lead a conversation with a potential client. We put together a sales mapping template to make this easy!


WWBA Custom Business Audit

It can be hard to get the right perspective and break down your own business. That's why we're offering a free business audit where we help dissect your business step-by-step!



Live Bonus Call With Ken

Get exclusive access to a one-time live call with Ken on August 21st at 3pm CST. On this live you'll get a never before seen bonus training on building your coaching business that is only available to members of the Successful Coach!


Access 3 fast-action bonuses when you join before August 14th!



Facebook Group

Get direct access to the WWBA team, and your fellow coaches for all the support you need during your 5-day Successful Coach training! (this will be central to the training)


7-Figure Sales

Mapping Template

One of the hardest parts of sales can be seeing where you want to lead a conversation with a potential client. We put together a sales mapping template to make this easy!


WWBA Custom

Business Audit

It can be hard to get the right perspective and break down your own business. That's why we're offering a free business audit where we help dissect your business step-by-step!



Live Bonus Call With Ken

Get exclusive access to a one-time live call with Ken on August 21st at 3pm CST. On this live you'll get a never before seen bonus training on building your coaching business that is only available to members of the Successful Coach!

The Successful Coach

Join the 5-day training intensive:

The Successful Coach

5-Day Training Intensive

  • Day 1: Mastering Yourself & Building an Undeniable Brand

  • Day 2: Crafting Your Irresistible Offer

  • Day 3: Build Your Lead-Generation & Killer Sales Machine

  • Day 4: Create Systems To Get Clients Amazing Results

  • Day 5: Business Systems For 7-Figures

3 Fast-Action Bonuses

  • BONUS 1: The WWBA Facebook Group

  • BONUS 2: 7-Figure Sales Mapping Template

  • BONUS 3: WWBA Custom Business Audit

1 Limited Time Bonus

  • BONUS: Live August 21st 3pm CST Bonus Call with Ken

Early-Bird Discount

  • Save $100 when you reserve your seat today



When You Join Today:

Just $97 🤯

Save $100 - Relaunch Discount

The Successful Coach

Join the 5-day training intensive...

Reserve Your Seat

$197 $97

Save $100 - Relaunch Discount

5-Day Training Intensive

  • Day 1: Mastering Yourself & Building an Undeniable Brand

  • Day 2: Crafting Your Irresistible Offer

  • Day 3: Build Your Lead-Generation & Killer Sales Machine

  • Day 4: Create Systems To Get Clients Amazing Results

  • Day 5: Business Systems For 7-Figures

3 Fast-Action Bonuses

  • BONUS 1: The WWBA Facebook Group

  • BONUS 2: 7-Figure Sales Mapping Template

  • BONUS 3: WWBA Custom Business Audit

1 Limited Time Bonus

  • BONUS: Live August 21st 3pm CST Bonus Call with Ken

Early-Bird Discount

  • Save $100 by reserving your seat early

If you’re still here, you might have a couple of questions...

Will this work for me if I'm a new coach?


While this program is amazing for coaches looking to scale their businesses to the next level - as a new coach you can create a proper foundation from the start! (that will have you growing 10x faster than everyone else)

How do I know if this is right for me?

I created this 5-day training intensive for coaches who already great at what they do (coaching!), but cant seem to get that breakthrough that they feel like they've been waiting for!

If that sounds like you and you're ready to take action - this is for you!

How exactly does the 5-day training work?

Each day of the training you'll receive the full recording from the live event plus all supporting resources.

How do I get started?

Click below and secure your seat now!

If you’re still reading there’s something holding you back, you may be asking yourself…

Will this work for me if I'm a new coach?


While this program is amazing for coaches looking to scale their businesses to the next level - as a new coach you can create a proper foundation from the start! (that will have you growing 10x faster than everyone else)

How do I know if this is right for me?

I created this 5-day training intensive for coaches who already great at what they do (coaching!), but cant seem to get that breakthrough that they feel like they've been waiting for!

If that sounds like you and you're ready to take action - this is for you!

How exactly does the 5-day training work?

Each day of the training you'll receive the full recording from the live event plus all supporting resources.

How do I get started?

Click below and secure your seat now!

© 2024 Wealthy Women's Business Academy